Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Demonstrate your Love!

So I forgot to mention, I went to a demonstration last week at Rock of Ages Church against a speaker they had named Wilna Van Beek who was a lesbian who has decided to live a celibate life so that she could be a good Christian and not go to hell.  Basically I think that being a homo and being celibate ON PURPOSE so that when you die some imaginary judgemental god won't send you to the fiery place is kind of a long shot.  I mean, what if there is no God and no Jesus and no reason to live your life without human affection?  Whatever, basically I just think Christians telling homos we can be okay if we give up our chances at loving happiness is sick.

So my task was to come up with a genius sign!  I thought long and hard about it.  I finally came up with one the night before the demo.

For those who can't see the picture, it says All the Lesbian Sex I've Had is part of God's Plan.

It makes me laugh!

Anyway, I have never made a pro gay sign before, because I just never needed to.  It was fun!  I searched for a good one online, but they were all related to marriage, so they didn't seem to fit!


I finally bought my plane ticket for Toronto!  Now it's real!  Now I'm really gonna be there!  I'm stoked!  Tomorrow I will find out about something, so I might have more stuff to do while I am there, fingers crossed!

My Mom won the Lieutenant Governor's Art Award for Saskatchewan Artist last week!  I'm proud of her.  She was stunned when she won!  Now we have a bronze Joe Fafard in the living room!  Exclamation Marks everywhere!!!

I got my SAB grant in today!  It's due tomorrow, so I am one day ahead of the deadline!  I also have to do the travel grant for Toronto's events, I can get it in tomorrow, they weren't taking them until after today.  It's a fairly simple grant, so I should be okay. 

What else?  Little Mister looks good in his Halloween costume!  This year he is going to be a prisoner!  He has a little stripey shirt that says Guilty on it!  I'll post pics on Halloween.

I have no costume yet.  Maybe I should be a warden!

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